Universal Studios Wiki

Whiplash is one of the main characters of the Turbo franchise. He is Theo's mentor. He is played by Samuel L. Jackson. He is the leader of the racing stunt snails.


When Theo (Turbo) met Whiplash, he saw the snail as a leader of his snail crew and became his tough mentor. Whiplash is aggressive, but he seems to calm down when around barbecue sauce and hot wings. Whiplash is the original leader of the snails.


  • Whiplash is the leader of the racing stunts.
  • Whiplash is played by Samuel L. Jackson who did Arnold from the 1993 film Jurassic Park, Mace Windu from the "Star Wars" Saga, and the voice of Lucius Bestie/Frozone in Disney-Pixar's "The Incredibles".
  • Whiplash's name is the non-medical term to describe injuries to the neck.
  • The color of Whiplash's skin is dark gray and his eye pupils are slightly silver.
  • Whiplash is one of the DreamWorks bullies to be rude at first, but he later helps teach Theo how to race.
  • Whiplash's shell has the number 62 on it.
  • Whiplash was the one who taught Theo how to race.
  • Whiplash is Theo's rival and they don't get along especially in arguments.
  • Whiplash has friends White Shadow, Smooth Moove, Burn, and Skidmark.
  • Whiplash is Theo's mentor.

