Saturday Morning Minions is an animated web series based on the Despicable Me franchise, it focuses on the Minions in their situations and others. it was released weekly on Saturdays on Facebook and Instagram. it has 40 episodes divided into 4 seasons. it was released on June 9, 2021 and ended on March 4, 2022.
after the events after Despicable Me 3, The Minions continue their whacky adventures.
- Pierre Coffin and Chris Renaud as Minions
- Steve Carell as Felonius Gru (archive sounds)
Season 1[]
- "Mini Vacation"
- "Swimming Fools"
- "Teed Off"
- "Slip N' Slide"
- "Fireworks"
- "Point Guard"
- "Beach Ball"
- "Marathon"
- "Chair Race"
- "Raspberry Rhapsody"
Season 2[]
- "Cast Away"
- "Popsicle"
- "Bicycle Short"
- "School Daze"
- "Picture Day"
- "Cast Away 2"
- "H2NO"
- "Claws & Effect"
- "Spider"
- "Food Fright"
Season 3[]
- "Panic Mechanic"
- "Scaredy Camp"
- "Balloonaitcs"
- "Gumball Machine"
- "Remote Controlled"
- "Banana Brawl"
- "Mad Bladder"
- "Lightning"
- "Winter Blunderland"
- "Wreck The Halls"
Season 4[]
- "Treadmill"
- "The Fly"
- "Picnic Panic"
- "Resized"
- "Paint Brawl"
- "Top Banana"
- "Bath Time for Kyle"
- "I'm Sorry"
- "Banana Boat"
- "Clip Clip Hooray"
- Saturday Morning Minions is the only animated series in the Despicable Me franchise.
- Unlike Despicable Me's other media that is 3D computer animation, this show is traditionally animated.
- Despite being a web series, the show actually aired on television worldwide, including CCTV-14 in China, Boomérang and Zétv Famille in Canadian-Belgie, Pop Max, Boomerang UK, Cartoonito in Italy, Latin America, Scandinavia, Portugal, Turkey, Middle East and Africa, Asia and Central and Eastern Europe, Boomerang in Australia, Cartoon Network in Canada, Zum Zap in Miranda, and the Moonbug 24/7 FAST channel in the United States.