Mr. Dooley is the main antagonist of VeggieTales episode Tomato Sawyer and Huckleberry Larry's Big River Rescue. He is a slave owner.
He was portrayed by Mr. Nezzer.
5 years ago, he was caught in Elk River, Minnesota with 1100 lbs. of stolen turkey jerky. As the sole witness, Mr. Dooley testified against Big Jim in court and that Big Jim didn't go to prison, instead he was sentenced to 3 years of community service at, of all places, "Dooley and Sons Lumber Camp."
Mr. Dooley was in the tree removal business and that he had a way of removing anything (or anyone) who lumbered in his way, which he demonstrates by pulling out a small sapling. Mr. Dooley then tells all of the carrot loggers to work better and harder at cutting down the trees. Four carrot loggers try to pick up a large log, but it is much too heavy for any of them, just as Otto (played by Scooter Carrot) comes up, while Mr. Dooley asks him what the holdup is. Otto explains that they're having trouble with this log, so Mr. Dooley tells him to call Big Jim, which Otto is hesitant to do, before Mr. Dooley tells him, "Now!"
Mr. Dooley then tells Big Jim that he's not paying him to stand around, before Otto tells him that he's not paying him at all. Big Jim then pushes the log into the sluice, while Mr. Dooley praises for the work before giving him a piece of turkey jerky, which Big Jim is not happy about. The sound of someone yelling is suddenly heard after that, before another carrot logger approaches Mr. Dooley telling him that there's been an accident. Mr. Dooley and Otto then follow after the carrot logger, but not without Mr. Dooley telling another carrot logger named Steve to keep an eye on Big Jim, but unfortunately, Steve does not do as Mr. Dooley tells him so he leaves, which gives Big Jim a chance to escape from the lumber camp.
When Mr. Dooley and Otto return, they're surprised to see that Big Jim is gone, before Mr. Dooley asks Clark why he didn't stop him. Soon, Mr. Dooley, Otto, and Steve then start chasing after Big Jim, while some barking sounds are heard, before Mr. Dooley asks Otto if that was his dog barking, but Otto tells him that it was Steve, because he likes to bark when they chase things. The trio then continue the chase, all while Big Jim is hiding a tree before he hops off after that. Steve is then howling while standing in front of a bush, but it turns out that there was a bear hiding in the bush, which scares the trio away. Big Jim continues hopping, until Mr. Dooley, Otto, and Steve find him again before the chase resumes once again until Big Jim reaches the river. Fortunately, Big Jim grabs hold of the sign for "Dooley and Sons Lumber Camp" and uses it as a makeshift raft before he floats down the river. Mr. Dooley is angry that Big Jim has escaped, before he notices Steve drinking a smoothie.
Mr. Dooley, Otto, and Steve approach Tom and Huck. Huck then asks Mr. Dooley where his dog is, before Mr. Dooley tells him that Steve likes to bark. Mr. Dooley then tells the duo that they're looking for a dangerous man before he accidentally holds up an "I <3 Puppies" poster, before he acknowledges his mistake and holds up a wanted poster of Big Jim, before explaining that Big Jim tore up a factory with his bare hands and that his heading to where Tom and Huck are now, which Tom and Huck are worried about. Mr. Dooley then gives Huck a signal flare, explaining that if they see Big Jim, light it, and they'll come running. When Tom asks why Big Jim tore up the factory, Mr. Dooley answers that he was looking for something, and when Huck asks what it was, Mr. Dooley answers that it was turkey jerky, which Huck is surprised to hear. After Mr. Dooley, Otto, and Steve leave, Tom and Huck are worried about the possibility of Big Jim arriving. Otto then asks Mr. Dooley what they're going to do now, with Mr. Dooley answering that they're going to Muscatine, but Otto tells him that they have to get back to camp and that the boys won't know what to do without them.
Mr. Dooley, Otto, and Steve have soon returned to the camp while Mr. Dooley says, "Where is that big ox?" Steve sniffs around, while Tom and Huck are still hiding inside Huck's tent, while Mr. Dooley says, "I should have known Little Jimmy would try to get back to his mama someday!". When Mr. Dooley tries to get Otto and Steve to go after Little Jimmy, Otto says that he can't swim while Steve can only doggy paddle, which Mr. Dooley is frustrated about before he yells out, "I'll track you down if it's the last thing I do!".
When Mr. Dooley shows up with Otto and Steve, the King and Duke then hop in front of Little Jimmy, with the King telling Mr. Dooley, "Before we turn him over, there is the issue of reward." Mr. Dooley then grudgingly pulls out a stack of money and throws it to the King, but it turns out that Little Jimmy had escaped and gotten into the hot air balloon which then floats away, while Otto yells out for Little Jimmy to come back. Because Little Jimmy had escaped, Mr. Dooley takes back the money from the King.
Mr. Dooley, Otto, Steve, and the two zucchini policeman still follow after the balloon, before Mr. Dooley tells Otto to get him a signal flare. The signal flare then shoots into the air and strikes the balloon, causing it to deflate and send Little Jimmy flying into the air.
Mr. Dooley tells Mama Belle that Little Jimmy belongs to him. When Mr. Dooley isn't looking, Clark holds out his banjo in front of Mr. Dooley, before Mr. Dooley then trips over it, which causes a bunch of turkey jerky to fly out from his clothes in front of him. A merchant (played by Scallion #3) then runs up while telling the officer that someone ran off with all of his turkey jerky, before Clark tells the policemen to reexamine the Elk River Turkey Jerky Case and that they have a new suspect on their hands. When it's revealed that the real Turkey Jerky thief is Mr. Dooley, Mr. Dooley tries to escape, but Clark, after borrowing Tom's fishing pole, is able to reel him in. As a result, Mr. Dooley is arrested, while he angrily tells Clark, "I thought you couldn't get involved!".