Monsters vs. Aliens was an American computer-animated television series based on the film of the same name, and set chronologically after the film. Is ran from March 23, 2013 until February 8, 2014, airing 26 episodes, consisting of two segments for episode. First announced in 2009, the series premiered on Nickelodeon on March 23, 2013 after the Nickelodeon Kids' Choice Awards, then began airing in its regular timeslot on April 6, 2013. Following this, the series was cancelled and was not renewed for a second season due to low ratings and poor reviews, as well as the network's plans to refocus on "the more Nickish shows".
Brainless blob B.O.B., prehistoric fish-man Link, mad scientist Dr. Cockroach and incredible growing woman Susan learn to adapt to a new world as they work alongside a bizarre group of aliens at Area Fifty-Something, a secret underground base.