Mighty Monsterwheelies is an American animated series that was released on Netflix. The first season premiered in October 14, 2024.
In the town of MotorVania, half-monster, half-rescue vehicles known as Monsterwheelies are on a mission to protect their community. No matter the challenge, the Monsterwheelies supercharge their way to accomplishing the task while blocking the plans of troublemakers like Phantom Freeze and Invisible Van.
- Bolts Frankenstein
- Axyl Bride
- Sonnie Dracula
- Sweeps Wolfman
- Wraps Stretcher
- Gill E. Creature
- Mayor Van Helsing
- Welcome to Motorvania
- No Need for Speed
- Rock, Rock. Who's There?
- Escape from the Car Wash
- Heatwave
- Meteor Shower
- Wild, Wild, WesternWheelies
- Bridging the Gap
- The Big Bounce
- High Fliers and Extreme Riders
- Let's Get Kraken
- It's Raining Tires
- Under Pressure
- The Big Wave
- Solid as a Rock
- A Case of the Honk-Ups
- Overheated
- Tossed Out
- Lost and Found
- All Shook Up
- Marooned
- The Art of Deception
- Blown Away
- The Wobbly Lighthouse
- Haunted Halls
- The Creature of Blacktop Lagoon