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Maraschino Ruby, also known as The Bad Guys in - Maraschino Ruby is a The Bad Guys short that was released on June 21, 2022 alongside for the bonus features section for the DVD/Bluray/Digital release of The Bad Guys. It was written and directed by Nelson Yokota.


Misty Luggins sets a trap for the Bad Guys, but they were already caught and in custody for another crime; stealing a push pop... allegedly.


Mr. Wolf and Mr. Snake exit a gas station convenience store while reading a newspaper. On the front page is an article about The Maraschino Ruby. Snake questions why The Bad Guys would want to steal the Ruby, as it is too dangerous. Wolf is confused by this, given that they have a clean slate. Wolf also mentions Police Chief Misty Luggins' statement: "The Ruby is safe from those stupid, lame and stupid Bad Guys." Appalled at being called stupid twice, Snake decides to help. As they get into the car with their friends, Wolf catches Snake licking a Push Pop, asking him if he paid for it. Snake sarcastically answers, and the LAPD show up. The Bad Guys drive off. Wolf explains his strategy to get into the Museum of Fine Arts and get to the Ruby.

Meanwhile, Luggins catches someone, believing them to be The Bad Guys, and says she anticipated them to be here after calling them stupid twice, but discovers that it is really Officer Bob, much to her confusion. Bob says that the News believes the Maraschino Ruby to be fake and, upon inspecting it, he confirms it to be made of candy. Luggins confirms this too, as she made it and that she has the real Ruby. Luggins tells him that it's part of a plan to catch The Bad Guys: she believes The Bad Guys might still be pretending to go good and wants to prove it by catching them with the Ruby after they reacted to her making a comment about them with two stupids instead of one. However, much to her shock, Bob tells her that The Bad Guys were already arrested earlier today.

At the police station, Luggins finds the Bad Guys (Minus Shark) in the interrogation room, with Wolf commenting on her statement. Bob tells her that they were brought in for stealing a Push Pop. Snake says they allegedly did it, but after he licks the Push Pop, he realizes that he and his friends are busted. Luggins gloats at them and declares them guilty, even if it was for a minor felon. However, before she can book them, Shark comes in disguised as a lawyer named Jude Lawson, and presents Luggins with a reciept for 79 cents, proving that they did not steal the Push Pop. However, he adds that Luggins was breaking the law herself by committing entrapment when she planted the fake Maraschino Ruby for them to steal. At Shark's request, Bob arrests her, confirming this since it is a major legal infraction. Wolf tells Luggins that he and his friends won't press charges if he retracts her statement about The Bad Guys being stupid, and dials City News, much to Luggins' chagrin

Later today, Luggins is in her office, crying in a defeated manner. Bob tells her that the good news is the Real Maraschino Ruby was returned to the museum. Luggins is surprised by this, since she didn't return the real Ruby. Upon finding a Push Pop in her pocket, she soon realizes Wolf took the real Ruby and The Bad Guys broke into the museum just to replace the fake Ruby with the real one. Bob proudly admires the Bad Guys' good deed and says they are not so bad after all, which angers Luggins very viciously, causing her to break the Push Pop in two and scream in rage.

Wolf and Snake leave the store again, looking at the news about the real Ruby's return to the museum and Luggins' new statement, and calls the job easy. Snake, holding up the fake ruby agrees, saying it was like literally taking candy from a baby. A very large and really angry baby. He eats the candy ruby as he and Wolf drive off with their friends.



Other characters[]

  • Officer Bob


  • This is one of the first projects related to The Bad Guys that does not have Pierre Perifel as the main director.
  • The Maraschino Ruby is named after the Maraschino cherry fruit. It is likely it is named after it because it is shaped like it and it even has the same color.
  • The closing credits and the DreamWorks Animation logo appear as newspaper articles.

