The Knights of England are the tertiary antagonistic faction of Where's Waldo? episode "Jolly Olde England".
After the medieval castle summons, the knights arrived out of the castle and sees Fritz is the one who removed the key from the stone. They crowns Fritz for the king of England. After King Fritz wants food, the knights heads to raid London and steal all the food for him.
The knights heading to the stadium and attempting to steal soccer ball for King Fritz, which Waldo decides to build the Giant-Foosball-anator so he, Wenda and two football players will wrangle the knights. The knights chases the Wanderers and two football players all the way back to the castle while the Wanderers and two football players kicks the soccer ball to the lever and opens the drawbridge which the knights are now back inside the castle. After Waldo returns the key to the WanderStone, the knights and Merlin says goodbye to the Wanderers, two football players, Odlulu and Fritz while the castle is going down.
The Knights of England are antagonistic knights who serving King Fritz of his orders and raiding London to steal people's food for him. They believes Odlulu is the jester which she's actually the queen of England. They also help Odlulu and Fritz defeat the Wanderers.