Young Jakob being instructed to tamper with his father's car
Jakob witnessing his father being killed in the race
Jakob watching as his brother's crew make their escape
Jakob coming face-to-face with Dom while stealing the device
Jakob fleeing from Dom and Letty
Young Jakob grieving his father's death
Jakob watching in horror as his father is burned to death, wondering if it was Linder's or his fault
Jakob witnessing Kenny Linder
Jakob confronting Linder for touching father's ruined stock car
Jakob being insulted by Kenny Linder while threatening him to leave
Jakob believing that it was Linder who killed his father in the race
Jakob being told by Dom to go find Buddy
Jakob watching as Dom brutally beats up Kenny Linder
Jakob and Buddy waiting to visit Dom in prison
Jakob watching as his brother is being sent to prison
Adult Jakob returning to Otto's base
Jakob asking Cipher if she knows who he is
"I don't work for the competition."
"You read my psych eval. Good for you."
Jakob listening to Cipher talking about Genghis Khan's little brother
Jakob leaves the base with Otto
Young Jakob arriving for the street race
Jakob asking who wants next
Jakob witnessing a released Dom who wants next
"Dom. Well, when did you get out, man?"
"Come on, Dom. You don’t want to race me in Buddy's old Charger."
Young Jakob being told by Young Dom that if he win, he comes back home, but if Dom wins, Jakob drives away, and never come back
Jakob being accused by Dom for possibly killing their father
Dom asking Jakob why he killed their father
Jakob silently agreeing to race against Dom
Jakob preparing to race against Dom
Jakob is ready to race against Dom
Jakob driving away into an exile after losing the race against Dom
Jakob swearing revenge against Dom
"The brother you're looking for, he's from an old life. He's long gone."
"What do you think happened, Dom, every time you took somebody down?"
"So here's my offer. It's the same one you gave me."
"You leave, now. You drive away, and you never come back, ever."
The Toretto Brothers aiming their guns at each other
"You keep digging around in the past, Dom? You're not gonna like what you find."
Jakob watching Dom being arrested, again
Jakob and Otto watching Dom being arrested by Interpol
"Don't worry about it. Our men are closing in."
"One week from now, your dad will be asking you for an allowance."
Jakob finds and steals the other piece of the Project Aries
"It's because you're on the wrong street."
Jakob witnessing Dom climbing to the top of the bus
Jakob stealing someone else's car
Jakob gets ready to drift off
Jakob's moment before being captured by Dom and his crew
Jakob is held prisoner by Dom in the hideout
Jakob watching as Dom and his crew reunite with
Han Seoul-OhJakob witnessing Otto and his men arriving
"I ran missions with Mr. Nobody out of this place for years."
"I've been looking for that key for a long time, Dom."
"And you just handed her over."
"I told you. This is my world."
Otto gives Jakob the second half of the Project Aries
"You know the only good thing to come from Dad dying?"
"If he hadn't, I'd have spent my entire life in your shadow."
"And now, you're gonna spend the rest of yours living in mine."
…but stops, and hears Dom talking about their father's death
Jakob is now pissed of when Dom said that he never deserved the Toretto name
"You think you knew dad, huh? What 'cause you're his favorite? You don't know shit!"
Jakob glares angrily at Dom while confronting him
"You want the truth? Dad died 'cause he was trying to throw that race."
Jakob leaves the hideout with Otto, and kidnaps Elle
Jakob and Dom as children with their father in a flashback
Jakob and Dom learning about cars being immortal
Young Jakob in Dom's flashback
Jakob tampers with his father's car in a flashback, which made Dom realize that Jakob did not kill their father
Jakob, Otto and Elle watching the satellite being launched into space
Jakob now has both part of Project Aries placed on each other
Jakob activates Project Aries
"As soon as the satellite reaches orbit, we start the uplink."
Jakob realizes that Dom's crew is pursuing him
Jakob goes off to handle the satellite array
Jakob fixing the satellite array
Jakob learning that he's being double-crossed by Otto
"Something you want to tell me, Otto?"
Jakob is betrayed by Otto who now allies with
CipherJakob rises up after being pinned down by Sue
Jakob hops into Han's car
Jakob looking at Dom after being saved by Mia
Jakob deciding to join Dom's crew
Jakob joins forces with Dom
Jakob helps Dom slow down the Armadillo
Jakob jumps into Dom's car
"Think these belong to you."
Jakob regrading that lot of people are gonna come after him
"This is the world I chose, Dom."
Jakob knowing that his father loved him and Dom all the same
Jakob and Dom making amends
Dom giving his key to Jakob
Jakob promises Mia that they will be in touch
Jakob leaves in the Charger to go into hiding from his enemies
Young Jakob in a flashback
Young Jakob and Young Dom
Dom comforting Jakob over their father's death and his fight with Linder
Jakob is promised by Dom that everything's going to be okay
Grief-stricken Jakob hugs his brother
Young Jakob hugs Young Dom goodbye before he gets arrested