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Universal Studios Wiki

Jacob is the father of Joseph and his brothers. He is also the husband of Rachel.

Early Life

Jacob marries Rachel and Leah, two sisters from Haran. Leah gives Jacob many children while Rachel was assumed to be barren. Finally Rachel had a son named Joseph.


He is fatherly, kind, smart, loving, intelligent, wise, and strong.

Role in film[]

In the film he is shown very loving but also protective of his younger son. He is also very smart and he knows many languages including Egyptian.



  • His wife Rachel is his first cousin. Her father Laban and his mother Rebecca were siblings.
  • His father was named Isaac. Isaac is famous for being nearly sacrificed by his father Abraham. It was God's test to see if Abraham feared Him enough to kill is own son.
  • He had a twin brother named Esau. Esau was born several seconds before Jacob. Esau was born covered with red hair and so his name Esau means Red. Jacob grabbed Esau's heel when he was born and so he was named Jacob which means "heel".
  • Just like his grandfather and father he can speak many languages.
  • God mentioned Him, his grandfather Abraham, and his father Isaac in the burning bush scene in The Prince of Egypt.
  • Jacob, his father, Issac and his grandfather Abraham are the patriarchs of the Jewish people.
  • Jacob, is buried in Hebron in the Cave of Machpelah מערת המכפלה, also buried there is his father and mother Issac & Rebekah, his first wife Leah, his grandparents Abraham & Sarah and according to Jewish tradition, the first man and the first woman Adam & Eve are also said to be buried there.
  • God renames him, Israel after beating him in wrestling and blesses him.
v - e - d
Films: The Prince of EgyptJoseph: King of Dreams
Main Characters: MosesRameses IITzipporahAaronMiriamGod

Minor Characters: AmunBakaDathanHotep and HuyJethroJethro's daughtersKahmaNefretiriNeriaSheti IShepherdsThe Angel of DeathQueen TuyaYochevedSlaves of Egypt
Prequel Characters: JosephPotipharAsenathJacobJacob's sonsRachelZuleikaRameses IButlerBakerWolvesManasseh and EphriamSimeonAkiaBenjaminJudah

See also
Locations: Egypt (Mount Sinai)

Songs: All I Ever Wanted (Reprise) • Deliver UsI Will Get TherePlaying With the Big Boys NowThe PlaguesThrough Heaven's EyesWhen You Believe
Cast: Ben Affleck (Joseph) • Rene Auberjonois (Butler)

Moses in EgyptJoseph and His Coat