Galaxy Quest is a 1999 American science fiction comedy film directed by Dean Parisot and written by Don Howard and Robert Gordon. A parody of and homage to science-fiction films and series, especially Star Trek and its fandom, the film depicts the cast of a fictional cult television series Galaxy Quest, who are drawn into a real interstellar conflict by actual aliens who think the series is an accurate documentary. It stars Tim Allen, Sigourney Weaver, Alan Rickman, Tony Shalhoub, Sam Rockwell, and Daryl Mitchell. The film is a modest box office success and positively receives by critics: It wins the Hugo Award for Best Dramatic Presentation and the Nebula Award for Best Script. It is also nominated for 10 Saturn Awards, including Best Science Fiction Film and Best Director for Parisot, Best Actress for Weaver, and Best Supporting Actor for Rickman, with Allen winning Best Actor.
Galaxy Quest eventually achieves cult status, especially from Star Trek fans for its affectionate parody, but also from more mainstream audiences as a comedy film in its own right.
Several Star Trek cast and crew members praise the film. It is included in Reader's Digest's list of the Top 100+ Funniest Movies of All Time in 2012, and Star Trek fans vote it the seventh best Star Trek film of all time in 2013.