Universal Studios Wiki

Flip, Flap and Fly is a song that appears in The Land Before Time XII: The Great Day of the Flyers.

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Films: The Land Before Time (soundtrack/video) • The Land Before Time II: The Great Valley AdventureThe Land Before Time III: The Time of the Great GivingThe Land Before Time IV: Journey Through the MistsThe Land Before Time V: The Mysterious IslandThe Land Before Time VI: The Secret of Saurus RockThe Land Before Time VII: The Stone of Cold FireThe Land Before Time VIII: The Big FreezeThe Land Before Time IX: Journey to Big WaterThe Land Before Time X: The Great Longneck MigrationThe Land Before Time XI: Invasion of the TinysaurusesThe Land Before Time XII: The Great Day of the FlyersThe Land Before Time XIII: The Wisdom of FriendsThe Land Before Time XIV: Journey of the Brave
TV Series: The Land Before Time
Albums: The Land Before TimeThe Songs from The Land Before TimeThe Best Songs from The Land Before Time
LittlefootCeraDuckyPetrieSpikeGrandma and Grandpa LongneckCera's MotherDaddy ToppsMama SwimmerPapa SwimmerPetrie's MotherLittlefoot's MotherRooterSharptoothOzzy and StrutChomperRubyHypMutt and NodHyp's FatherAliPteranoRinkus and SierraMr. ThicknoseTippyMoDiplodocus MomBumphead BabiesShortyBronPatSueTriciaGuidoRubyRed ClawScreech and ThudWild ArmsEttaBellaCorythousaurusBeipiaosaurusBelly Dragger
Berry ValleyBig WaterThe Great ValleyThe Great WallThe Land of MistsThe Mysterious BeyondThe Mysterious IslandLand of the Featherhead Sharpteeth
If We Hold on TogetherPeaceful ValleyEggsYou're One of Us NowWhen You're BigStanding ToughKids Like UsGrandma's LullabyWho Needs You?It Takes All SortsBig WaterAlways ThereFriends for DinnerThe Legend of the Lone DinosaurBad LuckOn Your OwnBeyond the Mysterious BeyondGood InsideA Very Important CreatureThe Mad SongFamilyThe LessonChanson D'EnnuiImaginary FriendNo One Has to Be AloneAdventuringMe and My DadRememberingBestest FriendsCreepy CrawliesGirls and DadsIf OnlyStupid StompersOne of a KindThings ChangeFlip, Flap and FlySay SoYellow Belly BounceHow Do You Know?Today's the DayHot and StinkyBetter Off AloneLook for the Light
See also