Fast & Furious: Spy Racers is an American computer-animated web television series, based on the film series of the same name by Gary Scott Thompson. The series is executive produced by Tim Hedrick, Bret Haaland, Vin Diesel, Neal Moritz, and Chris Morgan. Hedrick and Haaland also serve as the show's showrunners. The series was premiered on Netflix on December 26, 2019.
- Tyler Posey as Tony Toretto
- Charlet Chung as Margaret "Echo" Pearl
- Jorge Diaz as Cisco Renaldo
- Camille Ramsey as Layla Gray
- Luke Youngblood as Frostee Benson
- Renée Elise Goldsberry as Ms. Nowhere
- Manish Dayal as Shashi Dhar
- Jimmy Tatro as Mitch
- Tru Valentino as Gary
- Vin Diesel as Dom Toretto
- Manish Dayal as Shashi Dhar
- Avrielle Corti as Rafaela Moreno
Season 1[]
Season 2: Rio[]
Season 3: Sahara[]
Season 4: Mexico[]
Season 5: South Pacific[]
Season 6: Homecoming[]
- Fast & Furious Spy Racers is the first animated series based on an existing Universal Studios property/franchise.
- This is the first DreamWorks/Neflix TV show adapted from Universal Pictures film franchises.
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