Evil Minions, also known as Purple Minions, are antagonists of Despicable Me 2. They are mutated by the PX-41 serum. They are often aggressive toward humans and animals and will eat anything including trees, cats, boxes and toys. They also know when there are impostors as they say "Baah" when there are imposters such as when Dave took of his disguise. They are known to have a difficulty knowing who is a friend or foe unless it is obvious enough since they have poor eyesight. They also have cognitive difficulties as they mostly make sounds instead of words though they do understand Minionese and gibberish. They also like bananas like Normal Minions and go crazy over them and can't control their behavior whenever there are bananas (or there is one) like a normal Minion due to the fact that Normal Minions like bananas and they will attempt to get a banana whenever they see one or hear the word. They are indestructible and although the Normal Minions are also indestructible they can also eat things such as bombs and rockets unlike normal minions.