Universal Studios Wiki

Cats: Highlights from the Motion Picture Soundtrack is a soundtrack album for the 2019 film of the same name, based on the 1981 musical of the same name. The album was released by Polydor Records on December 20, 2019, and produced by Andrew Lloyd Webber and Tom Hooper. The soundtrack features songs written by Lloyd Webber and T.S. Eliot for the original stage production, as well as a new song composed by Lloyd Webber and Taylor Swift, who also starred in the film. Swift's song, "Beautiful Ghosts", was released as a single and received a nomination for the Golden Globe Award for Best Original Song.

Track listing[]

  1. "Overture" (2:28)
  2. "Jellicle Songs for Jellicle Cats" (5:14)
  3. "The Old Gumbie Cat" (3:23)
  4. "The Rum Tum Tugger" (3:22)
  5. "Bustopher Jones: The Cat About Town" (4:01)
  6. "Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer" (3:33)
  7. "Old Deuteronomy" (4:09)
  8. "The Jellicle Ball" (10:04)
  9. "Memory (Prelude)" (1:24)
  10. "Beautiful Ghosts" (4:21)
  11. "The Moments of Happiness" (1:42)
  12. "Gus: The Theatre Cat" (4:11)
  13. "Skimbleshanks: The Railway Cat" (4:09)
  14. "Macavity: The Mystery Cat" (4:50)
  15. "Mr. Mistoffelees" (3:59)
  16. "Memory" (4:54)
  17. "The Ad-Dressing of Cats" (2:24)

v - e - d
Cats (soundtrack/video)
Old DeuteronomyMr. MistoffeleesRum Tum TuggerMunkustrapGrizabellaMacavityBustopher JonesJennyanydotsSkimbleshanksGusVictoriaMungojerrie and RumpleteazerBombalurinaDemeterJemimaMongojerrieRumpleteazer
LondonTrafalgar SquareThe Egyptian TheatreThe Milk BarThe Jellicle BallThe Heaviside Layer
OvertureJellicle Songs for Jellicle CatsThe Naming of CatsThe Invitation to the Jellicle BallThe Old Gumbie CatThe Rum Tum TuggerGrizabella: The Glamour CatBustopher Jones: The Cat About TownMungojerrie and RumpleteazerOld DeuteronomyThe Jellicle BallMemoryThe Moments of HappinessGus: The Theatre CatGrowltiger's Last StandSkimbleshanks: The Railway CatMacavity: The Mystery CatMr. MistoffeleesThe Journey to the Heaviside LayerThe Ad-Dressing of CatsBeautiful Ghosts