Universal Studios Wiki
Universal Studios Wiki

Brill is one of the three tritagonists (alongside Arthur Gillman and Sam Gillman) in Ruby Gillman, Teenage Kraken. He is Ruby and Sam’s maternal uncle and Agatha’s younger brother.


Brill has aquamarine skin, blue tentacle hair, and a 'beard', he wears a orange and white shirt with pink fish and purple waves on it, black jean shorts with a belt and sandals with socks underneath.


Brill is described as goofy and enthusiastic. He is kind and caring to his family and cares about others feelings. And despite his stupidity, he is wise enough to comfort Ruby.


Universal logo 2013
Universal Studios Wiki has a collection of images and media related to Brill.


  • Kevin Hart was originally offered for the role, but turned it down because of schedule conflict, Eddie Griffin, Keegan-Michael Key, Lee Majdoub and Steve Carrell are also in consideration but the role was eventually went to Sam Richardson.
  • Originally, the role was offered to Eddie Murphy, but turned it down, which led to comedian Sam Richardson, getting the role.
  • There was some confusion regarding Brill's final name, at times it was Flynn or Bill (or even Finn) according to articles.
  • He was mistaken for Arthur's brother, Agatha's brother-in-law and Ruby and Sam's paternal uncle.


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Ruby Gillman, Teenage Kraken Logo
Feature Length Films: Ruby Gillman, Teenage Kraken (2023) (video/soundtrack)
Main Characters: Ruby GillmanAgatha GillmanGrandmamahConnorArthur GillmanSam GillmanBrill
Other Characters: MargotTrevinBlissDougJanice
Antagonists: NerissaGordon Lighthouse • Evil Mermaids
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