Universal Studios Wiki


This is America! We have free speech! We can say cat here! Cat cat cat, and double-cat!!

Bridget is a vocal Irish mouse rights activist who befriends Fievel and becomes Tony Toponi's girlfriend, ultimately becoming instrumental in helping Fievel find his family in An American Tail. She's assumed to be about the same age as Tony. She only makes cameo appearances in An American Tail: Fievel Goes West before being written out from the latter.

She was voiced by Cathianne Blore.



On An American Tail, Bridget appears with brown fur with tan tone around her eyes and on her freckled muzzle. She has red curls in a ponytail with a small white flower on top. She wears a three tone green dress with a purple belt (notably her tail is not shown outside her dress), frilly pantalettes, and is bare footed (her shoes inconsistently appeared in a scene). Her cameo appearance is cheaply done in An American Tail: Fievel Goes West, as the texture palette on her dress and floral headwear are completely dark blue.

An American Tail[]

Bridget is a mouse rights activist of Irish decent. Her parents were killed by cats in 1884, whether she was in Ireland or New York at the time is unknown. But this incident is likely what led to her becoming an activist against the unfair mistreatment mice suffered from at the hands of the cats of New York. She is first seen giving a speech in a back alley, imploring any mouse listening to get together and do something about the cats. It's about then that she met Tony Toponi. She seems to be just as attracted to Tony at first sight as he is to her. She also takes an immediate liking to Fievel, and agrees at once to help him, bringing them both to Tammany Hall. This is fruitless however, because Fievel's family was new to America and Honest John didn't know them yet. It is evident that Bridget, being politically active, knows people in high places. She sits on stage at Gussie Mausheimer's rally and was possibly one of the key figures in the building of the Giant Mouse of Minsk. She lives in a water tower atop a downtown building, and lets Fievel stay with her while he searches for his family, likely acting as his caretaker along with Tony between the scenes.

During the Great Fire caused by Warren T. Rat on the pier where Fievel gets lost, Bridget finds Fievel's hat, and later when she and Tony run into the Mousekewitz family, she shows it to Mama, proving Fievel is alive. She joins the search party for Fievel, and is last seen kissing Tony while falling into a puddle after Fievel is reunited with his family.

An American Tail: Fievel Goes West[]

She appears alongside Tony in a few cameos in Fievel Goes West, always with a child in her arms. It can be assumed that she and Tony have started a family by then, and moved to Green River. Neither speak in this film.

Role conflict in the later sequels[]

Her removal from the direct-to-video sequels became one of the controversial canonical changes that ever occurred in the franchise. Her original voice actress, Cathianne Blore, was in poor health at the time the direct-to-video sequels were produced, battling cancer, causing her role to be dropped from the direct-to-video sequels indefinitely.


You can find the Bridget gallery here

v - e - d
Films: An American Tail (soundtrackvideo) • An American Tail: Fievel Goes West (soundtrackvideo) • An American Tail: The Treasure of Manhattan Island (video) • An American Tail: The Mystery of The Night Monster (video)
TV Series: Fievel's American Tails
Video Games: An American TailAn American Tail: Fievel Goes WestAn American Tail: Fievel's Gold Rush
Fievel MousekewitzTanya MousekewitzTigerNellie BrieTony ToponiBridgetHenriGussie MausheimerPapa MousekewitzMama MousekewitzYasha MousekewitzWarren T. RatCactus Cat GangCat R. WaulDigitMoeT.R. ChulaMadame MouseyScuttlebuttChief McBrusqueReed DaleySophia KittyOne EyeFeloniusGeronimouseSophie MousekewitzSweet William
RussiaGermanyNew YorkCastle GardenMoe's SweatshopOrphan AlleyGreen RiverLes Club Des Grands FromagesCheese FactoryThe Daily Nibbler
There Are No Cats In AmericaNever Say NeverSomewhere Out ThereA DuoWay Out WestDreams to DreamThe Girl You Left BehindWe Live in ManhattanAnywhere in Your DreamsFriends of the Working MouseGet the FactsCreature de la NuitWho Will...Diddy Diddy Dum Dum (Fievel's Little Song)I Hate Cats!Fievel's Point of ViewThe Fiddler's DanceMouses Even CryIf Cheese Grew on TreesPoor FievelA Little Bit of ReggaeAnything Can Happen in AmericaFievel and MeFievel, That's Me!Dreaming of You
An American Tail: A Musical Adventure with Fievel and Friends