Banana is a computer animated short film from Illumination Entertainment and Universal Pictures, starring the Minions of Despicable Me.
The short was released as a part of Minion Madness and as a bonus feature on the Despicable Me Blu-ray.
A minion named Larry finds a banana in his box and attempts to eat it, but his one-eyed co-worker named Darwin notices it and wants him to share it with him, but they fight for the banana after Larry refuses to share. Steve breaks them up until he joins the fight when he sees the banana.
They fight and enter a rocket factory, and the banana's carried away by a trapping claw. The inspector minion releases the banana but accidentally releases the rockets also. The three minions together with the banana escape while the rockets explode behind them.
They then fight again to a canteen where they are joined and chased by numerous minions. there's also a minion named speedos who was yelling "BANANAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!" in slow motion. During the fight, the banana is squished out of its peel and falls into a hole, much to the minions' disappointment. Lance appears with an apple, and the chase begins all over again.
Home Video[]
- Despicable Me Presents: Minion Madness
- Illumination 9 Mini-Movie Collection
- Illumination Presents: 10 Minion Mini-Movies
- Pierre Coffin as The Minions
- This short takes place between the events of Orientation Day and Despicable Me, which Home Makeover serves as an epilogue to that film's timeline.
"Poca banana?" Asking for the banana.
"Bulaka!" Steve orders the two minions to Stop fighting.
"Bapple., Bapple? (Screams and runs away)" Lance shows up with an apple. When he takes a bite on it, all minions turn around and notice him and his apple, and he notices something goes wrong
"BA-NA-NAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" A minion Speedos shouts in slow motion.