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Athletes Corgis are minor characters in UniversalIllumination's 2015 animated feature film Minions. Five or eight athletes living at Buckingham Palace. They love to play polo riding the royal corgis.


Athletes can be seen as fat, normal, large, as well as thin. They also have a mustache. They are dressed with polo shirt, gloves, polo bit, helmet, boots and croquet stick. And they ride the royal Corgis. When they stand on the lawn in front of the royal palace with the Corgis, they are stripped of the same thing, but only from three athletes with belts.


They treat the Royal Corgis very well. But which of them doesn't treat corgis very well, as shown at Buckingham Palace that two of them are heavy and dragging corgis across the floor.


They played polo riding a Corgis at Buckingham Palace. With Kevin and Corgi. But someone, one of the athletes, mocked the Corgi because it's heavy, and someone just already one of the royal Corgis is dead and hold the club in his hands and hold the other hand by the collar of the Corgi.

Later, the Athletes and Corgis can be seen at Minions ceremony at Buckingham Palace. During the ceremony, they stood and held their Corgis "horses" in their hands. Who is one of them, he doesn't notice how one of the royal corgis licks, and one of the Royal corgis is breathing, and while one of the athletes holds one of the royal corgis backwards.

They were last seen in a post-credits scene where one of the athletes throws a ball for one of the royal corgis, and five athletes on the corgi, playing polo riding a Royal Corgis, run, stomp on Kevin.




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Universal Studios Wiki has a collection of images and media related to Athletes Corgis.