American Pie Presents: The Naked Mile (also known as American Pie: The Naked Mile) is a 2006 American teen comedy film released by Universal Pictures. It is the second installment in the American Pie Presents series and fifth installment in the American Pie franchise overall. The film begins a story arc that concludes with Beta House (2007). John White stars as Erik Stifler, a high school senior who is given a "guilt free pass" by his girlfriend, Tracy Sterling (Jessy Schram), and so visits the Beta House fraternity led by his cousin, Dwight Stifler (Steve Talley), to run a mile naked. Christopher McDonald co-stars as Erik's father, Harry, andEugene Levy once again plays Jim's Dad, who turns out to be a family friend of both Erik's and Tracy's. Also, it is in this film that his name is revealed to be "Noah Levenstein".
American Pie Presents: The Naked Mile