3-Below: Tales of Arcadia was an animated television series created by Guillermo del Toro and produced for Netflix and DreamWorks Animation Television. It is the second installment in the Tales of Arcadia franchise. Part One was released on December 21, 2018, Part Two was released on July 12, 2019.
Following Trollhunters, DreamWorks, 3-Below focuses on two royal teenage aliens and their bodyguard who flee a surprise takeover of their home planet by an evil dictator and crash land in Arcadia. Now on the run from intergalactic bounty hunters, they struggle to blend in and adapt to the bizarre world of high school all the while attempting to repair their ship so they can return and defend their home planet.
- Diego Luna as Prince Krel
- Tatiana Maslany as Princess Aja
- Nick Offerman as Varvatos Vex
- Glen Close as Mothership
- Frank Welker as Luug
- Cole Sand as Eli Pepperjack
- Steven Yeun as Steve Palchuk
- Charlie Saxton as Toby Domzalski
- Fred Tatasciore as AAARRRGGHH!!!
- Emile Hirsch as Jim Lake Jr.
- Lexi Medrano as Claire Nuñez
- Kelsey Grammer as Blinky Galadrigal